ForesterIsMe / Forester302

About Me

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Hi, I'm Forester

I'm a British "Developer" studying Software Engineering

I'm ForesterIsMe or Forester302 on most social platforms

(sometimes im both)

This page is currently empty but im working on filling it



Project 1


Pygrille is a python module to simplify the creation and manipulation of grid-based applications, games and visulisations

Pygrille utilises Pygame and acts as a buffer between the developer and pygame

Project 1

Mineflayer Simple Voice Chat

Mineflayer simple voice chat is a plugin for the nodejs package mineflayer (an API for creating Minecraft Bots) that adds support for the Minecraft Mod Simple Voice Chat (a proximity voice chat mod for Minecraft)

Things i wrote because i had this website and i needed to put stuff on it

The problem with jump-in rules in card games

Simple voice chat protocol